ENAEX is a leading supplier of high-quality blasting services for mining operations.
Along with our subsidiary Davey Bickford, our innovative solutions enable us to provide full rock fragmentation services to mining companies both in South America and abroad.
We focus our efforts on safety and productivity through innovation, in order to achieve value and sustainability in mining operations, while meeting our clients’ requirements.
Blasting materials and systems for the mining sector
ENAEX offers a wide range of explosives products and blasting services for operations in the mining sector.
We aim to optimise our clients’ blasting process through an integral value proposal, and supply high-technology innovation solutions that address specific problems, enabling us to optimise production process efficiencies in an innovative way.
ENAEX’s portfolio includes raw materials, blasting agents, high-performance explosives and accessories.
We also provide global technical solutions and assistance, which includes drilling pattern and blast timing designs, as well as vibration and velocity of detonation (VOD) measurements.
In addition, our network of on-site service plants offers the necessary resources and implementations to deliver high levels of service, safety, quality and productivity.
Explosives for adverse blasting operations
ENAEX’s explosives are suitable for a wide range of rock blasting applications, including:
- Vertex: enables significant savings in drill and blast total costs, thanks to its versatility and simplicity to load
- Energex: our highest energy and fragmentation power blasting agent
- Pirex: designed for operations in sites with reactive rocks
- Hidrex: specially designed for wall and slope control. Its flexible density secures geotechnical design and blast in nearby infrastructure
- Panfex: reduces damage and maintain slope stability. Due to its accurate density, it ensures a continual buffer blast production
Electronic initiation systems and conventional detonators
Enaex offers the whole range of initiation systems, mainly designed and manufactured by its subsidiary, Davey Bickford.
Davey Bickford provides the state-of-the-art electronic initiation system, DaveyTronic®
A top-notch safety by design, a user-friendly and rugged blasting equipment, as well as an accurate and EMP/ESD protected electronic detonator allows blast design and outcome optimisations in almost all conditions.
Davey Bickford also produces non-electric detonators (DaveyNel®/DaveyQuick®), electric (DaveyDet®) and detonating cord (DaveyCord®).
Innovative mixer trucks
ENAEX’s range of mixer trucks is capable of manufacturing and transporting raw materials during loading operations in order to increase productivity, featuring:
- Milodon: High-tonnage truck that incease productivity and safety in blasting operations
- EcoTruck: a mobile ecoplant that manufactures raw material for the production of explosives reusing oil waste coming from other trucks
- OneTruck: a multipurpose mixer truck that produces all ENAEX explosives
- ENAEX Value Simulator (EVS): specifically designed software to simulate, quantify and fundament drill and blast impact in cost optimisation in downstream mining processes
- ENAEX Capacity Simulator (ECS): software created to optimise the mixer trucks’ load logistics based on a site’s specific needs
Innovative trucks for productive blasts
Milodón® is a specialised blender and triple truck for the mixing of ammonium nitrate and emulsion.
It is also designed for the production of ammonium nitrate/fuel oils (ANFOs), and pumpable and pourable heavy ANFOs for rock blasting applications in open-pit mine sites.
The vehicle can be used for manufacturing and transporting blast materials, as well as loading up to 28t of explosives on-site, and features state-of-the-art productivity technology to optimise safe blasting operations.
Milodón has a fluidisation system in the ammonium nitrate hoppers, which prevents Prill agglomeration to ensure a consistent mixture dosage and high-quality product.
The truck also features an automated programmable logic controller (PLC) loading system, known as E-controller. The system systematises and controls the mixing of raw materials during the manufacturing process and the actual load in each hole.
A voucher is issued to provide evidence of the raw materials and the product loaded into individual holes. Its pneumatic hoppers are also equipped with opening and closing valves.