EUROGOMMA is the name of a group of companies all involved in the manufacturing and distribution of elastomer wear resistant products for mining, aggregate processing and industrial applications.
The group started with the establishment of the company Eurogomma di Annoni Luciano under the guidance of the founder Mr. Luciano Annoni in 1975 in Bergamo, Italy.
The principles of the Made in Italy qualified Manufacturing has characterized our history and they are at the base of the global success that we have achieved in more than 45 years.
Our quality is the indispensable characteristic of all our productions, both in our Italian and foreign factories. Our base materials are Italians, our design is Italian and our long experience is an essential part of our success thanks to the elaboration of every new technical proposal through the several applications that we have afforded till now.
Our best sellers are our polyurethane screens which can be offered in different configurations:
- Tensioned polyurethane screens
- Polyurethane screen panels like modular polyurethane screens
- Flip-flow polyurethane screens
- Our unique and patented GET flexy polyurethane screens
- PURFil – polyurethane coated wire screen meshes
- Polyurethane trommel screens
The unique polyurethane tensioned screens with Superflow apertures allow users to maximise screening efficiency in every situation. EUROGOMMA engineering and manufacturing methods are flexible and use cutting-edge technology to offer the most competitive solutions to customers worldwide.
Polyurethane screens for mining and sand & gravel applications
EUROGOMMA engineers and manufactures customised polyurethane screens, liners, stators and rotors, fitting all the wear-resistance and screening requirements that customers require worldwide.
The company’s engineering and manufacturing departments use sophisticated CAD software to transform ideas and information into reality.
GET flexy. The unique high-efficiency and non-blinding polyurethane screening system
GET flexy is the new dimension of screening.
The elastic effect of the polyurethane flexible screen panels solve pegging and screen blinding problems by improving the screening efficiency to incredible performance.
With GET flexy, it is possible to provide conventional screen decks of double productivity or larger.
GET flexy is the polyurethane elastic screening system retrofitting every existing screen deck to transform it into a high-efficiency technology.
Polyurethane tensioned panels for fine screening
EUROGOMMA’s fine screening polyurethane screen panels are ideal for the classification of abrasive sand.
Thanks to the superior quality of our polyurethanes, all our screen cloths are wear and corrosion-resistant. Therefore, the polyurethane screen panels have no usage limit and guarantee successful performance in every application, whether oil, mining, waste management.
EUROGOMMA’s fine screening polyurethane panels are used in trash screens for mineral processing, stack sizers, repulp screens and slurry dewatering screens.
EURO-PS polyurethane screen panels
EURO-PS rubber and polyurethane modular screens come in the standard dimensions of 305mm x 305mm and 300mm x 300mm. EUROGOMMA screening modules are available in any thickness, from a minimum of 30mm upwards, and are suitable for gross, medium and fine screening.
EURO-PS polyurethane screens are available with EUROGOMMA’s unique design of “Wavy Top”, “Roll-on”, “SUPA Tough Boy” and with rounded weir bar.
EURO-PS screen panels are supplied together our “lock-out” fasteners, which are characterised by the smart technique of installing and removing the screen panels from the top of the deck.
EURO-FG polyurethane screen panels
EURO-FG is a screen system made of polyurethane modular screens, polyurethane nocking bars and supporting steel under-construction.
The nocking bars fasten into the steel under-construction and are fastened together with the polyurethane screening or dewatering panels to create the screen deck.
Thanks to the modular concept every standard deck can be equipped with our EURO-FG screen system.
Flip-flow polyurethane screens
Thanks to the superior quality of EUROGOMMA’s polyurethane materials, the company manufactures long lasting and high performing flip-flow polyurethane screen panels.
Flip-flow screening panels are subjected to continuous stress, which is why the quality of polyurethane is crucial for this application.
EUROGOMMA’s polyurethane screening panels have been successfully installed in equipment that processes coal, coke, compost, wood chips, gravel, hard rock and many more.
Our special screen panels with boomerang and peanut shaped apertures make our products unbeatable versus the competition.
Red natural rubber sheeting for wear lining applications
EUROGOMMA red natural rubber sheeting have been installed in several operations to protect machines from wear and abrasion.
The rolls are available in standard sizes of 1.4m x 10m, in thicknesses between 2mm to 50mm.
Smooth, fabric, buffy and, rough finishings are available, to suit various installation requirements.
The high quality of EUROGOMMA red natural rubber sheeting has convinced our clients to choose EUROGOMMA products over other well-established brands.
Polyurethane liners and wear parts
EUROGOMMA manufactures an extensive range of polyurethane liners and wear parts for mining, sand & gravel, industrial and chemical plants.
Our polyurethane liners are available in these formats:
- Plain sheets
- Sheets with expanded metal mesh
- Custom design lining pads with steel back
Polyurethane rotors and stators for froth flotation cells
EUROGOMMA manufactures and supplies a large range of polyurethane rotors, stators and dispersers, dart valve components and other related spare parts for froth flotation cells.
The great abrasion and corrosion resistance and the excellent resilience of our SUPERELASTIC Polyurethane permits our parts to last much longer than any competing product in every processing application (gold, copper, phosphate, silica, fluorite…)
Documented tests demonstrate that our Rotors and Stators last between 200% > 300% longer than the original Rubber items.
We have available Polyurethane parts to all the major flotation cells in a range from 66” up to 190”
EUROGOMMA is a group of companies consisting of:
- Eurogomma di Annoni Luciano: Head company and main factory
- Eurogomma Russia LLC: Factory and representative for the Russian and former Soviet market
- Eurogomma Latino America SAC: Sale representative for Latin America
- Eurogomma West Africa LLC: Sale representative for the West African market
Eurogomma has representatives, distributors and resellers all over the world to serve clients as best as possible.
Almost 50 years of experience in the industrial and mining field, and high-quality products demonstrated and controlled by European Quality Certification UNI EN ISO 9001:2000, means that EUROGOMMA has the necessary capabilities to solve any screening or wear problem with mineral and aggregate processing.